The Aim

The aim of this unit is to make a 2 minute thriller film with a 30 seconds title sequence in it as well. I have to come up with a idea of the whole film but we are making the opening 2 minutes of our films. Before I start making the film there needs to be a lot planning and organising before I start making it. 


Frist idea

Film Title: The assassin 

This idea for a film is about a assassin that jumps through other dimensions to kill whoever is on his list. He uses this machine to take him to this other dimensions to kill his target. But other group of assassins  are hunting him down so he has to kill these important people while running  away from the group of assassins . 

Equilibrium: The start of the film will show the assassin doing his job normally and killing his targets quick and clean so its a normal day for him.

Disruption: The Assassins find out that he is using this machine and killing people so they start hunting him down and they want the machine for them self . 

Realisation: This is the point of the film where the assassin knows that this people are trying to kill him and they are trying to find the machine which allows him to go to different dimensions.

Restored order: At this point the assassin would try and fight back and take these group of the assassins. 

Equilibrium again: After the assassin take out the group of assassins he would destroy the machine leaving the there leader stuck in other dimension.

Theme: The theme for this idea would be a time travel theme as the assassin goes to other dimensions in time.


Second idea

Film Title: The assassin 

This idea for a film is about a assassin that jumps through other dimensions to kill whoever is on his list. He uses this machine to take him to this other dimensions to kill his target. But other group of assassins  are hunting him down so he has to kill these important people while running  away from the group of assassins . 

Equilibrium: The start of the film will show the assassin doing his job normally and killing his targets quick and clean so its a normal day for him.

Disruption: The Assassins find out that he is using this machine and killing people so they start hunting him down and they want the machine for them self . 

Realisation: This is the point of the film where the assassin knows that this people are trying to kill him and they are trying to find the machine which allows him to go to different dimensions.

Restored order: At this point the assassin would try and fight back and take these group of the assassins. 

Equilibrium again: After the assassin take out the group of assassins he would destroy the machine leaving the there leader stuck in another dimension.

Theme: The theme for this idea would be a time travel theme as the assassin goes to other dimensions in time.

Final idea mind map

Looking at the two ideas I decided to choose idea 2 as I think it has more of a story behind it and I feel it will be more successful than idea 1. I also fought that it would be more interesting and easier to make for me. I also had a better understanding of what I wanted to do with the film and what and what characters are going to be in it. 


The idea I chose was  idea 2 which is about a guy called Lucas Whitton who uses this machine which will take him to another dimension where there is a high secured house in this dimension. Their objective is to break into a high secured house to break into a safe, what has important plans what will affect reality. But in this house there is bodyguards protecting in the safe and every time he gets killed he will wake up in the reality world and will have to go into the dimension again and try again. He also has 1 hour to complete the task.After he grabbed the documents he gives the signal to go back to reality, but they soon find out they are being chased by the same people who they stole the documents from, now they are in a race to get the documents to a safe location before it's too late. 


We are gonna make 2 dimensions both the same setting ( we will take pictures of the house so we know where props are placed, also note down the time) but the character functions will be different in both. To show he is in reality we will keep the filter normal but when he goes into the dimension the filter will go a different colour to show this. 


So far for my pre production I have came up with some ideas for the opening of my 2 minute thriller film. I had 2 ideas for a film but I had to chose one and I chad chosen "The continuance" I have made a brainstorm/mind map of different ideas we can use in my film. I talked about the macro and micro elements in my film. I came up with a genre and theme which will be time travel/action thriller. I also came up with some key narrative parts which might work in the film. And then the micro elements I had different ideas for what camera angels,shots and movement I could use in the film. And then thinking of the costumes,settings/location,props and characters. And I have wrote a 200 word treatment giving you a rough idea of what the film is about.   

QA research

I done some research on the internet to find questions that people have asked to people about thriller films. This will give me a better understanding of what I can use in my questionnaire to get the best possible responses. Here are some questions I found:  

These are the questions I found on the internet. The first questionnaire I found he was started off talking about the sub-genres and which ones they like and why. A important question which he asked was "what makes thrillers appeal to you ?". That is a very good question because you can identify what people like about them and you can take that information and put it in my own film so that would be a good question to have in my questionnaire. The other questionnaire gave some good questions as well like "what characters would you like to watch in a thriller and why". All of this questions will give me a good understanding of what questions to put in my questionnaire to get the best information out of the people taking the questionnaire to help with my film. 

Questionnaire anlysis

This graph shows the age of the people who have answered my question. This was the age group I was going for as my target audience is 15+ . So the data will give me help to engage with the audience.   

This graph shows what genre people like more and want to see. It shows that thriller is the most popular, this is good for me as my film will be thriller genre as well. So this means more people may see it as they like that genre more.

This data shows what sub-genre find most appealing to them. It shows that action thriller was the most popular, this good as mine will be an action thriller. So this means more people are likely to be interested by my film, what gives a wider range of audience.

This graph that people like to see tension and suspense being built up. This is good because i will be using this in my film to create impact with the audience, meaning it makes it more interesting for people to watch as it creating dramatic effect. This will be a big focus when making my film as i want the audience to feel the tension to create impact.

This shows that most people find the most important element within a thriller is plot. This will help me when creating my feel, as it tells me that people want to see the plot developing as it goes on.

Focus Group

Me,Ryan,Abby and Victoria did a 10 minute focus group about our 2 minute films. We all told each other are ideas and gave feedback on what we liked about the idea and what improvements are needed for the film. 

Analysis of Focus group

Abby said he liked the idea of being able to travel back in time and travel between dimensions, we just have to make sure we execute it right and make sure the editing is also right as i think that is the most important part of the film to make it look better and stand out from the rest.


Ryan said he likes the general idea of the film and says it is similar to source code, what is good because that's what we were going for. He says he also likes the idea of breaking into a high secured house as it could lead to some good scenes. He gave us a idea that we could use in are 2 minute film, we could consider the idea.

Target audience

The target audience for the film will be a PG 13 . I have chosen this age rating because I think it will be suitable for the film as I am expecting to have scenes of violence and terror through the film. Also maybe a little bit of swearing in the film as well. I also based  the age rating on this because films like source code(2011),Inception(2010) and Deju Vu (2006) have a more adult audience and these films are similar to my one. 


What if all your plans failed?

We need to have a contingency plan for advance in case something goes wrong on the day on filming or when we are editing so we need to be prepared.

  • So some of are filming will be shot outside so if the weather turn on us then we are going to have to film indoors instead or film on another day.
  • If the camera battery dies or the camera instead goes wrong and stops working then I have back up camera to use when we go and film. That also goes with the tripod as well.
  • If the editing software crashes on us when editing we will have other backup editing software. 
  • If some of are actors cant make the filming day we have backups to replace them.
  • If any props break we would have a replacement as we will have 2 of the same props just in case something does happen to them.


Risk assessment

Activity and hazard

Bad weather conditions   




Equipment wires 





Sharp  equipment e.g. knife (Prop)



Multi-level location 

Person who may be at risk

person holding equipment 


Actors,crew  and public 









Danger to crew or falling 

Property in risk of damage

Electronic equipment e.g. camera







Risk of injury to person 





Risk of injury to person 









Preventive measures

Check weather forecast and avoid filming in bad conditions. Discontinue filming immediately if it begins to precipitate    

Tape wires to the floor and warn everyone of danger 


Contained in a safety holder 




Ensure that all dangerous areas are barriered 

















Review and reflection on target audience

We did review the target audience for our film that it will be PG 13 because this age rating reflects on the elements we use in the film. Doing research into this target audiences helps me on what a audience expect in a thriller film like violence for example so I need to make sure I have these elements in my film to meet a target audience.  


Character Descriptions

Name: Lucas Green 

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Description: Blue eyes,brown hair, white

Height: 6'1

Backstory: Lucas was a taxi driver in his local town but now he is fighting between being in a real world to a other reality where even he docent know why he has been chosen for the test. 

Name: Professor Meir   

Age: 21

Gender: Female 

Description: Blue eyes blonde hair, white

Height: 5'10


Backstory: Meir since she was a girl has always been interested in science and deja vu and how a humans can see the future. And now she can as she has taken Lucas from his job into her experiment to help humankind  


Prop list

  • Fake guns 
  • Pocket watch
  • Safe/lock box 
  • Suits
  • Ties
  • Medical pills 
  • Hourglass 
  • Doctors Coat

Market research

  • Safe/lock box - £19.00
  • Fake guns - £10.00
  • Pocket watch - £4.99
  • Hour glass - £12.00
  • Doctors Coat (Fancy dress) - £19.99

Location shots

The location I want to use for the opening of the film was going to be in a mansion but because of budget, I have had to use a regular looking house for the start of the film. I want to try and make it very bland and clean  and not make it like someone lives there or stays there regularly. 

This is where the fight scene will take place in the lounge 

A very iconic shot will be used here when Lucas is peaking round the corner to see a bodyguard there on the phone  

This hallway will be used for most of the first scenes in the film 

Script draft

This is the first draft of the script for the opening of our film. This is a rough draft so there is many improvements to be made before we start the process of filming. But doing this draft allows me to gain a understanding on how things will work within in the story of the film.  I can improve on this draft by adding in maybe more dialogue or maybe more action in a scene were it is  very slow and boring. 

Storyboard draft


These drafts helps me improve on the actual product itself but also my skills as well. This was the first time writing a script for a production so it was very challenging for me to write dialogue between characters and making it a interesting a story to watch as a audience. The storyboard is a rough idea on how some of the shots are going to link up and what angles I want as well. Also how the narrative will play out with key moments from different scenes that impact should impact on the film.  

Shot list

1. MID/High shot- We are using this shot because we want to get the main character and one of the guards in the frame.

2. Medium Close up - looks down at the dead guard on the floor.

3.  Close up - Of the gun getting pointed at Lucas 

4. Extreme  Close up - Of lucas waking up from the time travel device 

5. Cut in- Lucas ripping off the needle from his arm 

6. Over the shoulder shot - Of the professor walking in to check Lucas  

7. Medium close up - Lucas sat up looking at the professor 

8. Close up - Professor talking to Lucas 

9. Close up - Lucas talking to professor

10. Mid shot - Professor putting the time travel device into Lucas again

11. Extreme close up - Of Lucas passing out going into the other dimension

12. Close up - Guard 1 on phone

13.  Extreme close up  - Person on the other side of the phone in the dark talking to the guard.

14. Tracking shot -  Of the the Package in location 

15. Medium close up - Guard shooting Lucas 

16. Trombone shot- To show lucas walking down hallway    

Production schedule


This production schedule will help me for my film production as is makes us organised and be ready for the day of shooting. We made sure that we kept a spare day in the middle of are schedule so when were editing and we think we need to re film something we have Saturday 21st where we can do any re filming or film extra stuff for the production. We made sure that the location of the film set was put on the sheet and also the characters/actors needed for that day with the most important part the equipment we were going to be using on that day as well. I need to make sure as well that I have all of the actors contact details as well so if someone is running late or hasn't  turned up I can get in contact with them to sort out the problem. 

Final script

Final stroyboard


The final script has improved a lot over the draft as we have more dialogue between characters giving more narrative to the story but also very much in more detail of the camera angles begin used for each shot/scene which will really help when filming. The storyboard has more detail going on with each shot with Lucas being the main character in the suit. Having this completed storyboard will help me with my production and give me a real imagine in my head on what I really want.         

Evidence of progression of editing

Now that I have some footage for the film I started edited it in Adobe premier pro. I had a wide range of footage to choose from as we had many takes from filming. I started of with my production company logo first to show the audience what company produced the film. 

In this sequence here you can see that I have put a blue/grey tint over the footage. I did this because in the film I wanted to show that difference between the reality world which Lucas enters to the real world. So the easiest way doing this and that the audience will understand is anything that isn't in the real time/world has this blue/grey tint and anything that is in the real world has natural colours. I thought this would get the audience thinking of why there is different colours thorough the opening of the film. 

As you can see on the left is where the effects are for this clip and it is has the black and white effect onto of the clip but also I added a colour balance effect to bring out the white to more of a dark blue tint so show off that more modern day side to my film.  

At the bottom of the sequence the (green bars) is the sound for the clips and the different music at different points of the sequence. The pink bars at the top are all my titles for the title sequence for the opening of the film. I keep all my footage to the left in the media browser so I can drag any clips into the sequence and start editing them straight away.    

Similar films

Déjà Vu (2006) is about a ATF agent Douglas Carlin played by Denzel Washington, is sent to investigate and discovers evidence of a bomb planted by a domestic terrorist. Arriving at the scene he hears his unique ring tone coming from a nearby body bag.He travels back in time in attempts to prevent a domestic terrorist attack  that takes place in New Orleans to try save a woman . It is directed Tony Scott and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.  The idea of a time travel thriller film originated between screenwriters Bill Marsilli and Terry Rossio. The film opened in the #3 spot with  $20.5 million in 3,108 theatres, an average of $6,619 per theatre.  Our film has a similar idea to  Déjà Vu as it has the time travel theme in the movie which links with our film idea.  

This is a good part of the movie as it's the big battle, but even if you haven't watched the movie before you could sort of sense what was going on. As at the start of the scene a police officer come through the door and starts to shoot at one of the guys, this shows the audience that the guy the police officer is shooting at is the bad guy. This shows i need to make sure the audience has a brief idea on what's going on when they watch mine.


The cinematography used in this scene is very fast pace. Most of the shots used are either mid shots or close ups of the guns being shot or reloaded. At the very start there is a shot of, the camera gives a lot of close ups but also looks around at the surroundings of people showing how many people are watching this but can't help. This gives the effect on how many people lives would be taken away if the main characters does not kill him.



Source code (2011) is about a U.S. army captain played by Jake Gyllenhaal who is sent into computed reality to find a bomber. Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes up on a commuter train to Chicago, at 7:40 am. As he comes to grips with this revelation,train explodes,killing everyone aboard. His mission is to find the bomber before a large dirty bomb hits downtown chicago in six hours. Stevens is unwillingly sent back into the Source Code repeatedly in frustrating, exhausting attempts to learn the bomber's identity. The film grossed $54,712,227 during its run with midnight screenings 2,961 locations. Overall the film made $14,812,094 and debuted at #2 on its opening weekend. This film is very similar to my idea for my film because every time Colter  Stevens dies he has to relive the same experience again which is very similar to my own. I will take inspiration from this film because  it has great narrative to it and has a identical target audience to my own film.  It is a well popular revived film getting a 7.5 on IMDB so having a similar target audience for my film will hopefully make my successful. 

Pre Production Evalution

Now that all my pre production is completed and I can now focus on filming more production for my thriller film. Gathering research from my Q&A's has helped me gather the right marital for my film. Now that I have a final script, final storyboard and plenty of production sheets to help me on set , these will all come in handy and make the filming process a lot more easier. Also looking are similar films has inspired me to gather ideas for my own film and hopefully make my very successful.