This is the first draft for my thriller film. I think this draft was very good I believed but there was still room for improvements. The scene were the doctor is first introduced wasn't giving that impact that I wanted of waking up to reality. And also the machine they use to go back in time didn't look realistic enough so I feel it needed to be changed to give a realistic look.
The second draft was a improvement from the first as I re filmed the scene were the Doctor appears and has a conversation with Lucas. I filmed it in a more darker place and made the actor look more like a professor/doctor with wearing a black lab coat with a white shirt on.
The final version has a few changes in it with the first fight scene slowed down a lot more and making look abit more realistic than before. Also we felt that the professor should be wearing all black and not just a normal shirt on because it doesn't look professional. But overall really happy with the final product and I feel I have achieved my goal.